More Help
For other tax problems, such as disagreements with IRS about your refund or owing taxes, you may be able to get free legal help from one of the following programs.
Asian American Civic Association Low Income Taxpayer Clinic:
To set up an appointment:
Call (617) 426-9492 ext. 285
Phone hours are 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday
Visit website
GBLS Low Income Taxpayer Clinic:
To set up an appointment:
Call: (617) 603-1510
Visit website
Harvard Law School Tax Clinic:
To set up an appointment:
Call (617) 390-1729 and leave a message
The clinic will return your call as soon as possible
Visit website
Northeast Legal Aid Low Income Taxpayer Clinic:
To set up an appointment:
Call (978) 458-1465
Phone hours are 9:00AM - 1:00PM, Monday - Friday
Visit website
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Problems with Identity Theft?
Learn more about idenfity theft and protecting your identity.